(11) Votes Russ Kennedy; Community Member (Incumbent)

(7) Votes Kari-Ann Schmidt; Parent (Incumbent)

(5) Votes Sarah Hammer; Parent

As per the above Election results; a motion was made and carried by the School Board of Discovery Public School of Faribault to re-elect incumbents Russ Kennedy; Community Member and Kari-Ann Schmidt; Parent, as well as elect a new write-in nomination of Sarah Hammer; Parent, as members of our School Board.

We regret to inform you that Kay Hammer; a former parent and community member, has resigned from her seat as a School Board Member. Discovery Pubic School will be forever grateful for her time and dedication to our Board, staff, and students for the past 13 years! She is wished the best in all her new endeavors!

A big “Thank You” also goes out to all our current School Board Members for their continued service and dedication to Discovery Public School of Faribault!

We would also like to thank all the families and staff of Discovery Public School who voted! Your participation and involvement IS what helps make our school great!